Reported hashrate and current hashrate rig for bitcoin mining

Reported, Effective, and Average Hashrate — Beginners

If you would like to remove your worker name, add globalname disabled or name [worker] disabled to your config. Bug Fixes Optimized configmaker. Added driver switching guide to knowledge base. Physically swap the locations of the coldest and hottest GPUs in your rig, to balance temperatures. Added promptless filesystem check and auto-repair to ethOS startup. Revamped GPU count functionality to perform more reliably. Added "loc" column to ethosdistro. If the issue is resolved, then the issue is not with the motherboard. To disable TeamViewer: If your rig crashes or hangs after setting overclocks, follow the below guide: If, after how do i generate bitcoins coinbase asking for photo id again for 24 hours, your pool effective hashrate is unexpectedly low, follow the below guide: Fixed cases where some ethOS config options did not honor comments properly. Removed mb of OS cruft. Fixed an issue where ethminer would not start if no how real free bitcoin how many bitcoins i can buy in coinbase were defined in config. Refactored ethOS startup services to support desktopless boot, where applicable. Added error message when monitor is plugged in to wrong GPU. Refactored gpu-info datagather to work in edge cases where it would previously timeout. Added better message-of-the-day and added calls to action for guides and documentation. If you have just one rig, set ethOS to single-rig mode before following this guide. Reduced the possibility of cosmetic errors when running gethelp. Added check for read-only filesystem and added as an event condition in stats panel. Like this video? Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware.

Added warnings and advice if user attempted to use an ethOS config option as a linux command. Added daemon for desktop statistics hashrate fluctuates a lot hashrate meter for cryptocurrencies make sure it runs at all times. Remove only the working motherboard from your working rig, and keep the rest of the components. Revamped hash monitoring scripts to perform more reliably. Rewrote portions of ethos-readconf and ethos-readdata to display sampled data correctly. Added ethOS favico to all user-facing web pages. Fixed cases where improper use of "reb" flag would result in multiple consecutive reboots. The best value is the default factory memory clock. Do not add a newname to your wallet like wallet. Added "farm snapshot" to ethosdistro. Watch your rig come up. Added "loc" in parenthesis next to rig name in ethOS desktop display if used. Added rigpool1 rigpool2 rigpoolpass1 rigpoolpass2 wallet "per-rig" config definitons. Cleaned up and separated old archived ethOS images from current ethOS images. Fixed cases where stats panel would incorrectly stop updating. Choose your language. Do not change the "channels" field. Login to the pool website. Added xmr-stak 2. They use different drivers that cannot work .

Added ethos-smi output to gethelp diagnostics link. Prevented collection of public IP if custompanel is defined in config. Fixed ordering of rigpool1 and rigpool2 when running dstm-zcash. Fixed major throttling bug that was introduced in ethOS 1. Fixed cases where ethOS boot processes prevented miner startup. Added "possible miner stall" message to ethOS status if miner has been working for a while, but hash is zero. Set proxywallet to your Monero wallet. Optimized "IP list" serving on ethosdistro. The pool reports may report a hashrate of "0", or of just a single GPU. If the issue is unresolved, proceed with the below guides:.

Set up SSH portforwarding on your router using ethereum capital gains tax how do ethereum smart contracts work below guides: Once you are on the latest version of ethOS, run lgaflasher. Raw Copy Tool will recognize the drive and allow you to clone the ethOS. Fixed a case where switching between sgminer-gm and sgminer-gm-xmr did not restart miner. Fixed a driver package issue associated with installing older versions of ewbf-equihash and added logic for correct version installation. Setting up your ConfigMaker config allows you to bitcoin to hash rate over time australian bitcoin exchange reddit all of your rigs remotely even reboot. Fixed cases where claymore would prevent mining if a single GPU crashed. Revamped custompanel functionality, reduced the chances of code dependency causing system-wide problems. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Added more helpful system data to gethelp command. Revamped mining process scripts to perform more reliably. Try a different SATA power connection, it may not be seated properly. Optimized find-gpu to increase execution speed. Here's my Addresses Bitcoin: Added support for RX series. Changed wording of minestop description in helpme command. Mar 14, Bug Fixes Reduced bugs associated with running ethos-update by building CDN for serving ethos-update related files. Added teamviewer usage is optional to ethOS and implemented required changes for it.

Fixed an issue in ethos-update where re-applying update was not possible in some scenarios. The easy money was scooped out a long time ago and what remains is buried under the cryptographic equivalent of tons of hard rock. Added a notice regarding rigs aging out to "unreachable" event condition in ethOS stats panel. Do not use a USB 2. Fixed a cosmetic bug related to dstm-zcash version collection and display. Installed joe text editor. Reduced the possibility of incorrectly applied updates by reducing DNS calls during updates. Added ability for dstm-zcash and all claymore miners to support and accept ssl: Revamped logging scripts to perform more reliably. Added better support for booting from USB 3. Allowed ethOS config parameters to work even if they have preceding spaces.


Revamped diagnostics scripts to perform more reliably. Fixed a bug that prevented show from running properly if user was running other custom miners in other screen instances. Added ethminer 0. Better instructions added for fixing disallowed mining instances. Added correct reference to restart-proxy command in ethOS motd. Added better screen lock support with lockscreen enabled in config or when using lock command. Added support for more network interfaces. Allowed remote config file to accept https: Added better method of determining certain GPU crashed states. Published on Jan 4, Fixed logical race condition that occured if no GPUs are detected. This is due to the ever-changing nature of the Difficulty modifier and the BTC price, in particular. Launched configmaker. Fixed an issue that prevented a rig from sending an initial update to the ethOS stats panel very early in the boot process.

Created new ethos-smi tool for adjusting GPU pwr, clocks, voltage, and other parameters more reliably see sample and dev notes. Created Docker install script sudo hotfix docker-install for end users to use to install docker-ce packages. Added "farm snapshot" to ethosdistro. Added notes regarding how to transfer bitcoin from coinbase to trezor how to.make an energy efficient bitcoin miner practice use of "pwr" and "globalpowertune" to knowledge base and ethOS sample config. Once you understand how the 3 values differ you can start to tune your rig more effectively. Moved ethosdistro. Added better hashrate collection support by using a custom ethminer branch. Added support for claymore Ethereum GPU miner. The average home miner will struggle to be profitable or recoup the cost of mining hardware and electricity, especially with the Bitcoin downward price trend. Added charts for total hashrate and capacity on ethosdistro. Do not use very long newname.

Buy Bitcoin Worldwide receives compensation with respect to its referrals for out-bound crypto exchanges and crypto wallet websites. Fixed major throttling bug that was introduced in ethOS 1. Added ability to set custom private farm ID in ethosdistro. Hashrate Mining! Added "loc" in parenthesis next to rig name in ethOS desktop display if used. Moved ethosdistro. Made ethOS bitcoin exchange bg what is usb miner bitcoin panel webserver perform more reliably. Fixed potential permissions issued associated with running reset-config. Added ethOS bootloader option "reset-config" to reset configs to stock defaults to prevent config-caused rig crashes. Revamped logging scripts to perform more reliably. Allowed miner to restart automatically if pool or wallet changes in ethOS config, without requiring manual restart or reboot. Created ethos-update repair and proxy repair scripts.

Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Removed unnecessary cronjob scripts. Optimized ethOS log cleaning functions. Added ability to see total license count and authentication token via the gpuShack order confirmation email account page. Quick Start Guide Run helpme to get a list of commands, your stats panel link, and rig status. Optimized find-gpu to increase execution speed. Stopped tty errors from appearing if ethos-overclock was run. Dramatically reduced ethOS download size with better compression method. Fixed a case where ethOS would never start mining due to false positive error checks. Remove the motherboard from power and disconnect it from your rig. Assigned rig color in ethosdistro. Prevented more instances of apt-get being allowed to run when called with sudo. Added "Check Hardware" message to startup screen in case desktop fails to load. Follow the instructions on http: Make sure that your rig detects at least 4gb of RAM. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Reduced size of ethos-update package and optimized it to show better update progress. Allow max of eight characters to ethosdistro.

Added hotfix command for use with future hotfixes. If your rig crashes or hangs after setting overclocks, follow the below guide: Revamped logging scripts to perform more reliably. Get started with the Quick Start Guide. Fixed an issue ethereum luck ticker that shows the price of bitcoin claymore and claymore-zcash would incorrectly show "0" for total hashrate and individual miner hashrates. It adjusts to hashrate to ensure that blocks are found roughly every 10 minutes. Rounded temprature data correctly in desktop display. Fixed case where ethOS stats panel graphs would not load graphs properly. Revamped GPU counting to be more authoritative. Prevented cases where ethereum on coinbase antminer s7 version 7 ethOS stats panels showed incorrect rig data. Open your token file with the nano text editor: Added per-rig historical chart data to ethosdistro. Remove the motherboard from power and disconnect it from your rig. Fixed cases where rigs were incorrectly reporting "read-only" disk upon initial boot. Revamped diagnostics scripts to perform more reliably.

They use different drivers that cannot work together. My Links Website http: Added guide for adding new silentarmy miners. Displayed individual GPU hashrates correctly if "sel" option is used in config. Do not use a USB 2. Added "loc" column to ethosdistro. Power rig back on. This address is controlled by Shapeshift, which will autotrade all deposits to Bitcoin, and send them to your Bitcoin Address. Allowed charts to support intermittent rig data. Reboot your rig. Fixed cases where rx and tx samples were not collected accurately. Optimized collection of CPU name and Core Count, and condensed them to report more accurately in ethosdistro. Fixed an issue with drive space not reporting correctly in cases where users have more than one drive. Added Shutdown and Restart buttons to ethOS desktop, which were accidentally removed in a previous version. Make changes to your ConfigMaker. Added remove-teamviewer for users who wish to remove teamveiwer packages. Fixed issues that caused false positive zero hashrate when running optiminer-zcash. Add to Want to watch this again later? Added sorting to version numbers in ethosdistro.

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Click on "One-Click Apps". Repeatedly add GPUs one by one until the rig experiences the above error again. Reported default GPU core and mem clocks to webhook. Fixed a bug that prevented show from running properly if user was running other custom miners in other screen instances. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Added ability for "show stats" command to show rig stats in console. Fixed ethOS desktop display statistics alignment. This number should be pretty steady and mirror the rates you are seeing in your mining tool. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Reduced size of ethos-update package and optimized it to show better update progress. This is the most complicated and important of the 3 statistics. If the issue is resolved after disabling wifi, set up a dedicated router for your rig s , and disable the wifi feature on the dedicated router. Added prompt if user attemps to run ethos-update without a working Internet connection.

Added full detected GPU list to user-submitted diagnostics reports generated nvidia-amd-slip-as cryptocurrency-miners-thirst-for-graphics-chips-doubted how to trade cryptocurren gethelp. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Fixed claymore-xmr version display on stats panel. It is best to proceed immediately after a reboot. When the terminal window shows up, login with username ethospassword live. The fees and reward structures of various pools are compared in this list. Fixed issues associated with total hashrate calculation. Added more system data to gethelp for better support. Increased ethOS stats panel loading sweep bitcoins from jaxx to ledger nano offline litecoin wallet. Fixed cases where new DAG would cause ethminer crash. Fixed cases where temperature collector skipped temperatures of GPUs in certain instances. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Wrote more instructions in http: Updated all miners to their latest versions as of the date of this release. If you experience problems with Mining Monero: Reduced the width of the Desktop Terminal Window. The ethOS drive is now ready for use. If mining to exchange, you need proxywallet wallet. Rigs do not need a power button. Revamped GPU counting to be more authoritative.

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Make sure your GPUs are not in a crashed state. Fixed situations where running ethos-update resulted in unclean updates. Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup Added better support for displaying correct hashrates if sgminer-gm-xmr hashrates are high. Added average GPU temperature to ethosdistro. Created "testing period" for bleeding edge updates first people to update are considered bleeding edge testers. If required, set a less aggressive overclock and continue to monitor the rig. Sign in to add this to Watch Later. Allowed miner to restart automatically if pool or wallet changes in ethOS config, without requiring manual restart or reboot. Reduced ethOS size by another MB by optimizing driver switching method. The maximum length is 8 characters. Fixed logical race condition that occured if no GPUs are detected. Allowed eth-proxy to autorestart if eth-proxy requests a restart. Completed disk write audit for preventing possible filesystem corruption caused by reboots. Prevent gethelp from hanging if a GPU subsystem is hung. Added support for RX via installing experimental kernels and drivers. Allowed non-wallet username authentication to eth-proxy for pools that support it. Fixed issue where sgminer-gm-xmr would not display running miner time properly on ethOS stats panel. Optimized log cleaning to rotate ethOS logs stored in ramdisk. Repaste the GPU with thermal repaste, following the gpuShack repaste guide. Buy Bitcoin Worldwide is for educational purposes only.

Added better browser Chromium instead of Midori. Optimized ethOS on-desktop display to get and display results more quickly. Added individual miner instance logging outputs to gethelp. Use Raw Copy Tool available at http: Added failsafe automatic miner restart if miner stops mining for more than 10 minutes. Optimized space where does ethereum nexus reaver drop can t buy litecoin on coinbase for ethOS historical graphs by encoding data more efficiently. Fixed ordering of GPU bios names. Added better method of sampling miner path in ethos-watchdog. Fixed cases where temperature collector skipped temperatures of GPUs in certain instances. Prompted users who have ethOS installations with known malware from torrents to reimage to a legitimate gpuShack version of ethOS. Added better instructions for rig overclocking to knowledge base. Added sgminer 5. For more information on how to use this configuration file, refer to fireice-uk's tuning guide. Switched ethosdistro. Cleaned up the way GPU names are displayed in ethosdistro. Prevented automatic restart of miners if a GPU overheated. Removed all claymore stubs, claymore confs moved to ethOS conf with flags option now remote. Reduced ethOS size by another MB by optimizing driver switching method. Added automatic removal Xauthority config file ripple wallet poloniex why is hodl not on bittrex boot. Allowed eth-proxy to autorestart if eth-proxy requests a restart.

Using a Pool that Requires Workers, Usernames, and Passwords suprnova Some pools suprnova require usernames, passwords, and workers. Added gethelp servers for support staff to better assist users. An excellent result! Fixed cases where rigs were incorrectly reporting "read-only" disk upon initial boot. Added atiflash experimental GPU flashing script. Generally speaking, the higher the reported rate, the better the effective rate. Confirm that your rig sees your destination drive. UFD Techviews. Updated all installed miners to their latest versions and added packages necessary to support .

The easy money was scooped out a long time ago and what remains is buried under the cryptographic equivalent of tons of hard rock. Fixed cases where home directory permissions were not set correctly. Using a Pool that Requires Workers, Usernames, and Passwords suprnova Some pools suprnova require usernames, passwords, and workers. If any problem occurs and you would like to revert, run: Fixed cases where temperature collector skipped temperatures of GPUs in certain instances. The maximum length is 8 characters. Do not use the pool config option if your node or pool is not on your local network, and make sure stratumproxy is enabled , and proxypool1 and proxypool2 are defined, as per the sample config located at http: Prevented ethos-overclock from being delayed if run manually. Rigs do not need a power button. Added LAN chip to rig description as a hover under rig name. Revamped GPU count functionality to perform more reliably. If you use the loc parameter in your config, your worker name will be the loc that you specified. If you still get low hashrate, and if the router that your rig is connected to is also serving wifi, turn off the wifi feature and monitor the rig performance for another 24 hours. Fixed cases where certain libraries were missing during update. Revamped hash monitoring scripts to perform more reliably. Prevented cases where some ethOS stats panels showed incorrect rig data. Fixed cases where users did not properly get upgrades during an update. Added ability for xmr-stak to support mining without assigning worker names.

Removed vestigial scripts. Added new ethOS 2-Year Anniversary background to enable, run: Son of a Tech 14, views. Fixed kernel portions of setting and displaying VEGA voltage. Fix certain cases where rigs misreported free drive space. Created config setting and command to boot ethOS without graphics driver, for debugging purposes. Added better ethOS updater download support. Found more instances and displayed more warnings regarding possible malware associated with torrented versions of ethOS. Checkmark "i'm not a robot". Select Quick and click Continue. Added better support for booting from USB 3. Prompted users who have ethOS installations with known malware from torrents to reimage to a legitimate gpuShack version of ethOS. VoskCoin 75, views. Prevented mining during motherboard firmware flashing.

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